How to put a stop loss in WealthSimple?
Asked 4 years ago
Hi, how do I put in a stop loss in WS? I watched a couple of videos but I seem to be unable to figure out. Much appreciated.
Andrew Moran
Monday, June 28, 2021
It should be noted that WealthSimple does not have a stop-loss feature. It only has three ways to buy and sell stocks.
When you click on the investment of your choice, you tap on the dropdown menu on top of the security's profile.
There are three options to choose from:
- Market: Buy or sell the number of shares at the best available price on the market.
- Limit: Choose the lowest price per share you're willing to buy or sell.
- Stop Limit: Choose a price for the stock to buy or sell.
Because it continues to grow, WealthSimple will probably add to its options.
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